FrequentlY Asked Questions
I prefer, personally, something along the lines of a small cafe that serves either coffee or cocktails, or a full-fledged dinner date (always a turn-on). Hotel bars make easy work of this. I prefer to spend a few minutes to simply talk casually to get to know you, or to catch up on your energy, before we head out to point B, which you will have prepared for us.
If discretion is of great importance to you, please alert me and I can do my best to accommodate your requests.
As many or as few as you'd like!
I do prefer that the room be booked under your name, but in some circumstances I can be of assistance and do all research in addition to all reservations and booking (with all fees preemptively cared for by you, my client).
I can take the reigns and drag you around to experience my preferred tasting of New York, or you can give me a tour of the finest that your city has to offer. It is really up to you.
All monetary supplement should be tucked into a plain envelope, otherwise presented in a gift bag, book, in conjunction with any other gifts, and presented immediately upon meeting. I welcome and appreciate creativity and romance in this department.
I do not entertain same-day availability. Please be prepared to book at least a day in advance, and even then I can't guarantee that my schedule will accommodate you. The more advanced notice, the better.
My screening process is at my own discretion, and if you are unable or unwilling to meet my standard, I'm afraid that I cannot meet with you. My rates and policies are ironclad.
Bitcoin is sometimes acceptable. Please contact for more details.
For the right suitor, I do entertain such engagements. I can turn other offers down if you can keep me in a lifestyle that I deem comfortable. Available to you, for travel company and more. Something to consider for long-term getaways, additionally. Let's chat about it!
I am a true omnivore, with emphasis on healthy proteins (such as grass-fed red meat, clean fish and shellfish) and fats (cheese, cream, yogurt, butter).
I do not eat poultry (chicken, duck, turkey, goose, quail), but I love eggs.
I do not eat soy products, and avoid legumes of all kinds.
In short, yes.
I love to travel, and am always looking for an excuse to hop on a plane or a train.
Travel date fees and policies apply. I may request some additional insurance, which may include a separate room and additional references.